EyeRelax Benefits |
 | Only takes 5 mins per eye per day to see improvements in vision. |
 | Improve healthy function of the eye, safe & no need for risky and expensive eye surgery. |
 | Useful for all levels of myopia, adult longsightedness or just to protect your perfect eyesight! |
 | Very easy to use! Need only 3 Simple Steps to improve your eye sight: 1. Focus 5 mins on the left eye 2. Focus 5 min on the right eye 3. Rest for 5 minutes or just go to sleep |
 | 2 times a day for 3 months to effectively regain the normal function of eyes. Thereafter, only 2 to 3 times every week just to prevent your eyesight from worsening. |
 | Suitable for Children Children can use it to improve their vision and protect it against worsening of myopia. For those whom start using early, there is a good chance of them regain good vision. For the rest, they would be able to control their myopia progression. You will save a lot of money from no having to change to thicker glasses every few months, The adults too can use it to fight visual fatigue and also delay the onset or progression of presbyopia. |
 | Suitable for Adults It抯 a device that the whole family can use! If your work requires to stare at the computers for extended time, and you find your eyes tiring easily and vision worsening, use EyeRelax immediately. Your eyes will not fatigue so easily. For those whom have reading problems, use it, and you will find that you can focus on near or small images much easier than before. |
 | Built-in soothing music to help improve concentration and improve the treatment effectiveness better! |