How much are you willing to invest on an international award winning, effective and proven device?

You must be thinking, an international award winning product is going to be costly. It probably cost at least $3,000. But no, EyeRelax is not so costly. In fact, it is the best selling health equipment in Singapore for two consecutive years!

A good pair of prescription spectacles will easily cost you USD200 to USD300, and you will probably have to buy a pair every year.; either because you have accidentally broke it, or that the old pair of glasses is no longer suitable for you. Imagine how much on glasses you will save alone. On top of that, a single EyeRelax can be shared by the whole family. Furthermore, you may even be able to leave the inconvenience of wearing your spectacles!

How much are you willing to spend to be without glasses? Many people go for lasik surgery to correct their vision, and often pays more than USD3,000 for it (just for ONE person, not the whole family). Not only is there risk related to such surgery procedure, there is also no guarantee for a full recovery. Most people抯 vision worsens a few years after their lasik, and either they have to put on glasses again, or they have to go for re-lasik. And all surgery carries a risk with complications. Many ended up with poor night vision, halo, and forever subject to dry eyes! On the other hand, EyeRelax improves the healthy function of the eye and improves the vision. For those with low myopia, they have a very good chance of regaining their good vision if they use early. Start on EyeRelax now, and save on paying for expensive surgery and subject yourself to surgery risk. The best health advice is how to maintain its good healthy function, not surgery.

But EyeRelax can be used by the whole family! The children can use it to improve their vision and protect it against worsening of myopia. The adults too can use it to fight visual fatigue and also delay the onset or progression of presbyopia.

Imagine how much you can save!

Purchase EyeRelax now and start caring for the eyesight of your loved ones.


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