Inventive Principles Behind EyeRelax
It is based on the expansive clinical research on myopia that EyeRelax is developed. Primarily EyeRelax seeks to relieve mechanical strain with accommodation training and inhibit myopia progression through myopic defocus. Based on the study of visual fields, EyeRelax enhances the retina activity to further inhibit myopia progression.
In each 5 minutes sequence, EyeRelax is clinically programmed to

- improve accommodation accuracy and dynamics visual near-far simulation for accommodative facility training;

- Impose myopic defocus with accommodation cue to inhibit myopia progression;

- produce specific visual spectrum producing rich images in contrast, spatial content, color, luminance and stereo;

- produce isoluminant chromatic(colour patterns) and achromatic (black-white) images with based on the characteristics of our visual receptors and synapses to improve retina activity;

- visual and audio synchronization to enhance concentration of subject to maximize VEP

By treating both the accommodative system and the visual neuro system, with imposed myopic deficus, EyeRelax is hence the most complete in its prevention of myopia and improvement to our eyesight.
To understand how EyeRelax works, you may wish to access further scientific readings below:

Causes of Presbyopia

Myopia & Accomodative Strain/Near Work

Many studies and observations have found a strong co-relation between excessive accommodations, or near work and myopia. Some of these studies include:

¡¤ A study with monkeys, whose visual space was restricted to an average of fifteen inches distance, showed that all of them developed myopia. [1]

¡¤ It was measured (with partial coherence interferometry) that the eye generally elongates during accommodation, with this explanation by Drexler et al.[2] ­by accommodation-induced contraction of the ciliary muscles, which results in forward and inward pulling of the choroids. This decreases the circumference of the sclera and leads to an elongation of the axial eye length.

¡¤ Harb et al.stated[3] : ­accommodative lags significantly increased with closer reading distances¡­increased lags and the variability in accommodation at higher accommodation demands suggest that an increase in overall blur at closer reading distances might be related to the development of refractive state.

¡¤ Schaeffel et al.[4] : The current theory is that lag of accommodation during reading shifts the image plane behind the retina and thereby stimulates the retinal neurons to release growth promoting factors that enhance scleral growth. This is thought to be mechanistically equivalent to the effects of a negative lens in animal experiments.

¡¤ Accommodation lags are also found to be higher as it took an average of 35 seconds for early-onset myopes and 63 seconds for late-onset myopes until the accommodation of the ciliary muscles was released. Non-myopes, however, showed no myopic aftereffect. It was speculated that this transient pseudomyopia is either the cause or a precursor of permanent myopia.[5]/[6]

¡¤ Myopic children are showing significantly larger near work-induced transient myopia, but demonstrated additionally that this near work-induced transient myopia was still evident after 3 minutes, which is significantly longer than was previously reported for adults.[7]

¡¤ Group results of accommodative response times showed that late onset myopes had significantly longer response times compared to emmetropes irrespective of duration of fixation.[8]

[1] Young FA, The Effect of nearwork illumination level on monkey refraction, Am J Optom and Arch Am Acad Optom 1962 Feb; 39(2):60-67
[2] Drexler W, Findl O, Schmetterer L, Hitzenberger CK, Fercher AF, Eye elongation during accommodation in humans: difference between emmetropes and myopes, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1998 Oct; 39(11):2140-7
[3] Harb EN, et al. Behavioral characteristics of accommodation during periods of sustained reading. Proceedings of the 10th International Myopia Conference, Cambridge 2004
[4] Schaeffel F, et al. Molecular biology of myopia. Clin Exp Optom. 2003 Sep; 86(5):295-307
[5] Chen JC, Schmid KL, Brown B. The autonomic control of accommodation and implications for human myopia development: a review. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2003 Sep; 23(5):401-22
[6] Ciuffreda KJ, Wallis DM, Myopes show increased susceptibility to nearwork aftereffects. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1998 Sep:39 (10):1797-1803
[7] Wolffsohn JS, et al. Nearwork-induced transient myopia in preadolescent Hong Kong Chinese. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2003 May;44(5):2284-9

[8] Faudziah Abd-Manan, Proceedings of the 11th International Myopia Conference, Singapore

Reseach in the area of visual fields, which consist of our retinal, optic nerves and visual cerebral cortex has suggested that when the image quality on the retina remains poor, it will cause the eyeball length to grow. This is commonly known as our eye neuro system.

Interference with the quality of the retinal image leads to a disruption to the normal growth pattern, resulting in the development of refractive errors and defocused retinal images. [1]/[2] In animal models, covering the eyes of animals with frosted glass, or showing defocus pictures, applying strong minus glasses, keeping the eyes closed or defects in the retina have all shown to lead to the development of myopia.[3]/[4]/[5]/[6]

Of relevance, already published studies, mostly relate to normal developmental emmetropization, specifically, form deprivation experiments indicate that normal developmental emmetropization has both spatial frequency and contrast requirements. Typically, low pass filter characteristics such as frosted, translucent diffuers, eliminating moderate to high spatial frequency information as well as reducing image contrast, with increased axial elongation leading to myopia.[7]/[8]

[1] Wallman,J.,Turkel,J., and Trachtman,J.(1978). Extreme myopia produced by modest change in early visual experience. Science 1978 201, 1249-1251.
[2] Hodos,W., and Kuenzel.W.J. Retinal image degradation produces ocular enlargement in chicks. Invest. Opnthalmol. Vis. Sci. 1984 25,652-659.
[3] Norton T.T.,Siewart JT. Animal models of emmetropization : matching axial length to the focal plane; J. Am Optom Assoc 1995; 66(7):405-414
[4] Young FA, The Effect of nearwork illumination level on monkey refraction, Am J Optom and Arch Am Acad Optom 1962 Feb; 39(2):60-67
[5] Schaeffel F, Diether S, Feldkaemper M, Hagel G, Kaymak, Ohngemach S, Schwahn H, Myopia development as a result of visual deprivation? System analysis and possible biochemical correlates, in Proceedings of the 6th International Myopia Conference, Springer, Tokyo 1998, p 255
[6] Wallmann J, How is emmetropization controlled? Results of research on experimental myopia, in Proceedings of the 6th International Myopia Conference, Springer, Tokyo 1998, p 13
[7] Wallman J, Turkel J, Trachtman J. Extreme myopia produced by modest changes in early visual experience. Science 1978;201:1249-1251

[8] Smith EL III, Harwerth RS, Crawford ML, von Noorden GK. Observations on the effects of form deprivation myopia on the refractive status of the monkey. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sco. 1987;28:1236-1245.

Myopic Defocus & Reliefing Visual Strain

Spherical aberration control and accommodative facility training (distance and near accommodative facility) are a suitable treatment for improving accommodation accuracy and dynamics in young myopes. These improvements were sufficient to counteract the abnormalities in accommodation accuracy and dynamics that have been found in progressing myopes.[1]

Many recent research too has interestingly pointed to the use of Myopic Defocus lenses (plus lenses) in the control of myopia, instead of the usually prescribed minus lenses for shortsightedness.

¡¤ 6 of 20 participants with complete sets of data showed essentially no myopic progression after 2 years of imposed myopic defocus.[2]

¡¤ The potential for the use of imposed myopic defocus to control the progression of myopia is confirmed by the results from a recent monovision trial, in which bursts of increased myopic defocus apparently inhibited axial elongation in the under-corrected eye.[3]

¡¤ Binocular hyperopic overcorrection (myopic defocus) of children with pseudomyopia appears to prevent myopia development.[4]

¡¤ Negative lenses, which cause myopic, elongated eyes, also cause a thinning of the choroids (the layer between the sclera and the retina). Vice versa, positive lenses, which are causing hyperopic, shortened eyes; also cause an also rapid increase in the thickness of chorid.[5]/[6]

¡¤ While obviously near work creates signals for an increase axial length, an inappropriate elongation might be avoided by corresponding stop signals, as Morgan at el. Expressed[7]: Recent studies on natural STOP growth signals suggest that they are evoked by relatively brief periods of imposed myopic defocus, and can overcome strong pressures towards increased axial elongation.

¡¤ It is well known that chicks become myopic by wearing negative lenses. However, Zhu et al.[8] stated that Even when chicks wore negative lenses for the entire day except for 8 minutes of wearing positive lenses, the eyes compensated for the positive lenses, as though the negative lenses have not been worn. Brief period of myopic defocus imposed by positive lenses prevent myopia caused by daylong wearing of negative lenses regular, brief interruption so reading might have use as a prophylaxis against progression of myopia.

¡¤ It takes only a short time like 10 minutes for the eye to detect whether the added lens is a plus or minus lens, and to cause changes in the choroidal thickness and the corresponding vitreous chamber depth which persisted still some hours later.[9]

¡¤ It is further noted that compensating to myopia defocus is critically dependant on the inclusion of middle to high spatial frequencies in the stimulus and has a spatial frequency-dependent threshold contrast requirement. With competing myopic and hyperopic defocus, the former transiently dominates the latter as a determinant of ocular growth, provided that the stimulus conditions include sufficient middle to high spatial frequency information and that accommodation cues are available.[10]

[1] Sheila M Rae, Peter M Allen, Basker Babu Theagarayan, Hema Radhakkrishnan and Daniel J O Leary Proceedings of the 11th International Myopia Conference, Singapore
[2] Ian G Morgan, Rohan Merani, Barbara Dennisonand Marlene Strathdee Proceedings of the 11th International Myopia Conference, Singapore
[3] Philips, Br J Ophthalmol 2005; 89:1176-7
[4] EP Tarutta, NV Khodzhabekian and OB Filinova A study of the onset of continuous low myopic defocus on myopia onset and progression in children Proceedings at the 11th International Myopia Conference, Singapore.
[5] Wildsoet C, Wallman J, Choroidal and scleral mechanisms of compensation for spectacle lenses in chicks. Vision Res 1995 May; 35(9):1175-94
[6] Hung LF, Wallman J, Smith EL 3rd. Vision-dependent changes in the choroidal thickness of macaque monkeys. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000 May; 41(6):1259-69
[7] Morgan I, Megaw P. Using natural STOP growth signals to prevent excessive axial elongation and the development of myopia. Ann Acad Med Singapore : 2004 Jan:33(1):16-20
[8] Zhu X, Winawer JA, Wallmann J. Potency of myopic defocus in spectacle lens compensation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2003 Jul;44(7):2818-27
[9] Zhu X, Park TW, Winawer JA, Wallman J. In the matter of minutes, the eye can know which way to grow. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005 Jul;46(7):2238-41

[10] Sigrid Diether and Christine F, Wildsoet (2005). Stimulus Requirements for the Decoding of Myopic and Hyperopic Defocus under Single and Competing Defocus Conditions in the Chicken. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2005; 46:2242-2252 DOI:10.1167/iovs.04-1200

Myopia Control and Image Properties

The results of a study in Korea has suggested that refraction causes significant changes in VEP; ie latency of naked eyes increased with increased refractive error in the naked eyes. The result of VEP on refractive error parallels that of VEP on amblyopic eyes.[1]/[2]

This comes as no surprise as poor retinal image may result in amblyopia or sometimes known as neurological myopia. Numerous studies with varying contrast, spatial content, color, and luminance has established that retinal images rich in pattern information are needed to control eye growth.[3]/[4]/[5]/[6]/[7]/[8]

Contrast adaptation produced by prolonged viewing of high contrast gratings had a significant effect on retinal responses. It has been suggested that contrast adaptation may play a role in the development of nearwork induced myopia; further work investigating retinal contrast adaptation in myopic individuals may be of interest. [9] Spatial frequency composition is used to regulate growth at the eye; it is the absolute energy at high spatial frequencies regardless of the spectral slope that is most effective. [10] It is further established that the combined use of isoluminant chromatic (red-green) and achromatic patterns (black-white) could stimulate the parvocellular system selectively in humans.[11]

Rapid temporal changes of environmental illumination (flickering light) have been shown to inhabit myopia development, and conditions that stimulate the ON. Flickering light has being shown to stimulate the release of dopamine and reduce the degree of the artificially induced myopia.[12]/[13] and increase choroidal blood flow[14]. It was further suggested that luminance conditions which preferentially stimulate the ON system inhibit myopia development. The form of the initial luminance rise of the waveform was critical for myopia inhibition and the form of the off component appeared relatively unimportant.[15]

[1] Lee SM, Kim C, Ahn JK. The Change of Visual Evoked Potential in Patients with Myopia in Correction of Refraction. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Inje University College of Medicine, Korea. J Korean Acad Rehabil Med. 2002 Dec;26(6):734-738. Korean.
[2] Ayse Oner, Mesut Coskun, Cem Evereklioglu and Hakk Dogan Pattern VEP is a useful technique in monitoring the effectiveness of occlusion therapy in amblyopic eyes under occlusion therapy; Documenta Ophthalogical, Vol 109, No 3 November 2004
[3] Wildsoet, C.F., Howland, H.C.,Falconer,S., and Dick,K.(1993). Chromatic aberration and accommodation; their role in emmetropization of the chick. Vision Res. 33, 1593-1603
[4] Bartmann,M., and Schaeffel,F.(1994). A simple mechanism for emmetropization without cues from accommodation or colour.
[5] Schmid, K.L., and Wildsoet, C.F.(1997). Contrast and spatial frequency requirements for emmetropization in chicks. Vision Res. 37, 2011-2021.
[6] Diether,S.,Gekeler,F., and Schaeffel,F.(2001). Changes in contrast sensitivity induced by defocus and their possible relations to emmetropization in the chicken. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis.Sci, 2, 3072-3079.
[7] Wildsoet, C.F., and Schmid,K.L. (2001). Emmetropization in chicks uses optical vergence and relative distance cues to decode defocus. Vision Res. 41, 3197-3204.
[8] Chen JC, Brown B, Schmid KL. Late response components (P1 and N2) of the first-order sf-mfERG responses were preferentially affected in myopia, suggesting possible reduced ON- and OFF-bipolar cell activity. School of Optometry, Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
[9] Chen JC Curr Eye Res. 2006 Jun;31(6):549-56.
[10] Hess RF, Schmid KL, Dumoulin SO, Field DJ, Brinkworth DR Curr Biology 2006 Apr 4;16(7):687-91

[11] Shozo Tobimatsu, Hiroyuki Tomoda and Motohiro Kato Human VEPs respond differently to isoluminant chromatic and achromatic sinusoidal gratings: Separation of parvocellular components. Biomedical and Life Science, Vol 8, Number 3, March 1996

[12] Schwahn HN, Schaeffel F, Flicker parameters are different for suppression of myopia and hyperopia; Vision Res, 1997; 37(19):2661-2673
[13] Rohrer B, Iuvone PM, Stell WK, Stimulation of dopamineric amacrine cells by stroboscopic illumination or fibroblast growth factor (bFGF),FGF-2 injections:possible roles in prevention of form-deprivation myopia in the chick. Brain Res 1996;686:169-181
[14] Shih Y.-F.,Relationship between choroidal blood flow and myopia in Myopia Updates, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Myopia, Springer, Tokyo 1998

[15] Katrina Leanne Schmid and Darren Robert Brinkworth Flickering conditions with fast-on characteristics inhibit myopia development irrespective of the form of the off component

EyeRelax is very effective in improving the eyesight for the presbyopic.

Presbyopia occurs as one ages, with increasing difficulty to do near work as our visual accommodative system deteriorates. Both our optical lens hardens and ciliary accommodative factor weakens, which inhabits our visual ability to focus on near objects.

With frequent use of EyeRelax, our optical lens is kept more flexible and improves our ciliary accommodation factor. EyeRelax is very effective in improving the eyesight of the presbyopic, delaying the need for reading glasses.


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